Should your business be using Exclaimer?

Effective email communication is a crucial aspect of running a successful business. While establishing creative and professional consistency across your company is vital in upholding your brand image. Email signatures hold substantial importance in this regard as they are usually the primary means of communication for clients and customers. Exclaimer is a software solution that can help small to medium-sized businesses create and manage professional email signatures effortlessly.

Should your business be using Exclaimer? Read More »

what is voip?

What is VoIP?

VoIP stands for “Voice over Internet Protocol,” and it refers to a technology that allows you to make phone calls over the internet instead of using traditional phone lines. With VoIP, your voice is digitised and sent over the internet as ‘data packets’ (small bits of information), rather than being transmitted through a dedicated phone line.

What is VoIP? Read More »

ZOOC Become a CiSP Approved Member

ZOOC has been approved to join the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership.

The Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP) is a joint industry and government initiative set up to exchange cyber threat information in real-time, in a secure, confidential, and dynamic environment, increasing situational awareness and reducing the impact on UK business.

ZOOC Become a CiSP Approved Member Read More »

Help to Grow Digital UK Government Initiative - person working from home, using a tablet

The Governments Help to Grow: Digital scheme. Should you take a look?

We explored the software available, and while limited, the Help to Grow: Digital initiative provides essential platforms from categories that will benefit most businesses. The choice is limited, though, and many of the approved CRM platforms are likely to be financially unattainable for many small businesses, even with the discount.

The Governments Help to Grow: Digital scheme. Should you take a look? Read More »

Are you ready for the PSTN switch off?

It’s coming, sooner than you think, and it affects everyone! Don’t leave it until the last moment when demand will be high.